.. _settings: Settings ======== Presented here are the various settings used by the readers to control what data is stored and how the data is stored. There are specific settings for each reader, and those are of the form ``.``, so :ref:`depletion-materials` is used only by the :class:`~serpentTools.DepletionReader`. Without modifying any settings, each reader defaults to storing all of the data present in the output file. Many of the settings instruct the readers to store specific data, such as only materials present in :ref:`depletion-materials`. Setting Control --------------- .. currentmodule:: serpentTools.settings Setting control is done using the :class:`rc` global. It acts largely like a dictionary with some validation. .. class:: rc .. automethod:: rc.__getitem__ .. automethod:: rc.__setitem__ .. automethod:: rc.__enter__ The settings are explained below and are used by the readers to control what data are stored when reading from files. Shared Settings --------------- There are some settings that are shared between some or all readers. Any setting that does not have a ``.`` applies to all readers, such as :ref:`verbosity`. Below are a list of setting leaders and the readers impacted by this setting: ====== ===================================== Leader ====== ===================================== ``xs`` |ResultsReader| and |BranchingReader| ====== ===================================== Here are links to locations in the :ref:`examples` that display how the settings can be used on the various readers. ================= ========================= Reader Link to example ================= ========================= |BranchingReader| :ref:`branching-settings` |DepletionReader| :ref:`depletion-settings` ================= ========================= .. _default-settings: Default Settings ---------------- .. _branching-floatVariables: ``branching.floatVariables`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Names of state data variables to convert to floats for each branch:: Default: [] Type: list .. _branching-intVariables: ``branching.intVariables`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name of state data variables to convert to integers for each branch:: Default: [] Type: list .. _depletion-materialVariables: ``depletion.materialVariables`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Names of variables to store. Empty list -> all variables:: Default: [] Type: list .. _depletion-materials: ``depletion.materials`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Names of materials to store. Empty list -> all materials:: Default: [] Type: list .. _depletion-metadataKeys: ``depletion.metadataKeys`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-material data to store, i.e. zai, isotope names, burnup schedule, etc:: Default: ['ZAI', 'NAMES', 'DAYS', 'BU'] Type: list Options: [ZAI, NAMES, DAYS, BU] .. _depletion-processTotal: ``depletion.processTotal`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Option to store the depletion data from the TOT block:: Default: True Type: bool .. _detector-names: ``detector.names`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List of detectors to store. Empty list -> store all detectors:: Default: [] Type: list .. _microxs-getFY: ``microxs.getFY`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If true, store the fission yields:: Default: True Type: bool .. _microxs-getFlx: ``microxs.getFlx`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If true, store the group flux ratios:: Default: True Type: bool .. _microxs-getXS: ``microxs.getXS`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If true, store the micro-group cross sections:: Default: True Type: bool .. _sampler-allExist: ``sampler.allExist`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ True if all the files should exist. Suppresses errors if a file does not exist:: Default: True Type: bool .. _sampler-freeAll: ``sampler.freeAll`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If true, do not retain data from parsers after reading. Limits memory usage after reading:: Default: False Type: bool .. _sampler-raiseErrors: ``sampler.raiseErrors`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If True, stop at the first error. Otherwise, continue reading but make a note about the error:: Default: True Type: bool .. _sampler-skipPrecheck: ``sampler.skipPrecheck`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If True, no checks are performed prior to preparing data. Set this to be True only if you know all files contain the same data as errors may arise:: Default: False Type: bool .. _serpentVersion: ``serpentVersion`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version of Serpent:: Default: 2.1.31 Type: str Options: [2.1.29, 2.1.30, 2.1.31] .. _verbosity: ``verbosity`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set the level of errors to be shown:: Default: warning Type: str Options: [critical, error, warning, info, debug] .. _xs-getB1XS: ``xs.getB1XS`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If true, store the critical leakage cross sections:: Default: True Type: bool .. _xs-getInfXS: ``xs.getInfXS`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If true, store the infinite medium cross sections:: Default: True Type: bool .. _xs-reshapeScatter: ``xs.reshapeScatter`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If true, reshape the scattering matrices to square matrices. By default, these matrices are stored as vectors:: Default: False Type: bool .. _xs-variableExtras: ``xs.variableExtras`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full SERPENT name of variables to be read:: Default: [] Type: list .. _xs-variableGroups: ``xs.variableGroups`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name of variable groups from variables.yaml to be expanded into SERPENT variable to be store:: Default: [] Type: list