.. |BranchCol-tables| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.BranchCollector.xsTables` .. |BranchCol-states| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.BranchCollector.states` .. |BranchCol-perturbations| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.BranchCollector.perturbations` .. |BranchCol-burnups| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.BranchCollector.burnups` .. |BranchCol-axis| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.BranchCollector.axis` .. |BranchCol-universes| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.BranchCollector.universes` .. |BranchCol-univIndex| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.BranchCollector.univIndex` .. |BranchedUniv-tables| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.xs.BranchedUniv.xsTables` .. |BranchedUniv-states| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.xs.BranchedUniv.states` .. |BranchedUniv-perturbations| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.xs.BranchedUniv.perturbations` .. _branch-col-example: .. note:: Data files, like the one used in this example, are not included with the python distribution. They can be downloaded from the GitHub repository, and accessed after setting the ``SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA`` environment variable .. code:: >>> import os >>> branchFile = os.path.join( ... os.environ["SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA"], ... "demo.coe") Coefficient file to nodal diffusion cross sections ================================================== A recent feature of SERPENT is the ability to performing branching calculations using the `automated burnup sequence `__. ``serpentTools`` can read these coefficient files using the |BranchingReader| This automated burnup sequence is ideal for generating group constant data for nodal diffusion codes, that often include some multi-physics features, criticality searches, or other control mechanisms. A criticality search could be performed by tweaking the boron concentration in the coolant or adjusting control rod insertions. Similarly, some codes may include coupled TH analysis to convert power profiles to temperature profiles and adjust cross sections accordingly. Each code has a unique flavor for utilizing a set of group constants across these perturbations, and this notebook will demonstrate using the |BranchCollector| to gather and write a simple set of cross sections. .. code:: >>> import numpy >>> import serpentTools >>> from serpentTools.xs import BranchCollector >>> coe = serpentTools.read(branchFile) This specific input file contained two perturbations: boron concentration and fuel temperature. Boron concentration had three branches: ``nom`` with no boron, then ``B1000`` and ``B750``, with 1000 and 750 ppm boron in coolant. Fuel temperature had a nominal branch at 900 K, with 1200 and 600 K perturbations as well. These can be confirmed by observing the :attr:`~serpentTools.BranchingReader.branches` dictionary on the |BranchingReader|. .. code:: >>> list(coe.branches.keys()) [('nom', 'nom'), ('B750', 'nom'), ('B1000', 'nom'), ('nom', 'FT1200'), ('B750', 'FT1200'), ('B1000', 'FT1200'), ('nom', 'FT600'), ('B750', 'FT600'), ('B1000', 'FT600')] Cross sections are spread out through this |BranchingReader| across branches, burnup, and universes. The job of the |BranchCollector| is to place that data into mutli-dimensional matrices that represent the perturbations chosen by the user. A single group constant, say total cross section, has unique values for each universe, at each burnup point, for each perturbed state, and each energy group. Such a matrix would then contain five dimensions for this case. First, we create the |BranchCollector| from the |BranchingReader| and instruct the reader what perturbations are present in the file. The ordering is not important at this point, as it can be changed later. .. code:: >>> collector = BranchCollector(coe) >>> collector.collect(('BOR', 'TFU')) Now we can inspect the perturbation states, |BranchCol-states| found by the collector. .. code:: >>> collector.states (('B1000', 'B750', 'nom'), ('FT1200', 'FT600', 'nom')) The group constants are stored in the |BranchCol-tables| dictionary. Here we select the total cross section, ``infTot`` for further exploration. .. code:: >>> list(collector.xsTables.keys()) ['infTot', 'infFiss', 'infS0', 'infS1', 'infDiffcoef', 'b1Tot', 'b1Fiss', 'b1S0', 'b1S1', 'b1Diffcoef'] >>> infT = collector.xsTables['infTot'] >>> infT.shape (5, 3, 3, 3, 2) Five dimensions as mentioned above. But how are they ordered? Inspecting the |BranchCol-axis| attribute tells us that the dimensions are universe, boron concentration, fuel temperature, burnup, and energy group. .. code:: >>> collector.axis ('Universe', 'BOR', 'TFU', 'Burnup', 'Group') The ordering of each of these dimensions is found by examining the |BranchCol-univIndex|, |BranchCol-states| and |BranchCol-burnups| attributes. .. code:: >>> collector.univIndex (0, 10, 20, 30, 40) >>> collector.states (('B1000', 'B750', 'nom'), ('FT1200', 'FT600', 'nom')) >>> collector.burnups array([ 0., 1., 10.]) For example, if we wanted the total cross section for universe 10, at 1000 ppm boron, nominal fuel temperature, and 10 MWd/kgU burnup, we would request .. code:: >>> infT[1, 0, 2, 2] array([0.324746, 0.864346]) For this example, the scattering matrices were not reshaped from vectors to matrices and we would observe slightly different behavior in the ``'Group'`` dimension. .. code:: >>> collector.xsTables['infS1'].shape (5, 3, 3, 3, 4) Four items in the last axis as the vectorized matrix represents fast to fast, fast to thermal, thermal to fast, and thermal to thermal scattering. .. code:: >>> collector.xsTables['infS1'][1, 0, 2, 2] array([0.087809 , 0.00023068, 0.00073939, 0.123981 ]) Many nodal diffusion codes request group constants on a per universe basis, or per assembly type. As we saw above, the first dimension of the |BranchCol-tables| matrices corresponds to universe. One can view group constants for specific universes with the |BranchCol-universes| dictionary. .. code:: >>> collector.universes {"0": , 10: , 20: , 30: , 40: } >>> u0 = collector.universes["0"] These |BranchedUniv| objects store views into the underlying collectors |BranchedUniv-tables| data corresponding to a single universe. The structuring is identical to that of the collector, with the first axis removed. .. code:: >>> u0.perturbations ('BOR', 'TFU') >>> u0.axis ('BOR', 'TFU', 'Burnup', 'Group') >>> u0.states (('B1000', 'B750', 'nom'), ('FT1200', 'FT600', 'nom')) The contents of the |BranchedUniv-tables| dictionary are :class:`numpy.array` views into the data stored on the collector. .. code:: >>> list(u0.xsTables.keys()) ['infTot', 'infFiss', 'infS0', 'infS1', 'infDiffcoef', 'b1Tot', 'b1Fiss', 'b1S0', 'b1S1', 'b1Diffcoef'] >>> u0Tot = u0.xsTables['infTot'] >>> u0Tot.shape (3, 3, 3, 2) >>> u0Tot array([[[[0.313696, 0.544846], [0.311024, 0.617734], [0.313348, 0.614651]], [[0.313338, 0.54515 ], [0.310842, 0.618286], [0.31299 , 0.614391]], ... [[0.210873, 0.223528], [0.208646, 0. ], [0.206532, 0. ]]]]) .. _branch-col-change: Changing perturbation values ---------------------------- The values of |BranchCol-states| and |BranchCol-perturbations| can be easily modified, so long as the structures are preserved. For example, as the current |BranchCol-states| are string values, and of equal perturbations (three boron concentrations, three fuel temperatures), we can set the |BranchCol-states| to be a single 2x3 array .. code:: >>> collector.states = numpy.array([ ... [1000, 750, 0], ... [1200, 600, 900]], ... dtype=float) >>> collector.states array([[1000., 750., 0.], [1200., 600., 900.]]) Some error checking is performed to make sure the passed perturbations match the structure of the underlying data. Here, we attempt to pass the wrong number of fuel temperature perturbations. .. code:: >>> try: ... collector.states = numpy.array([ ... [1000, 750, 0], ... [1200, 600], # wrong ... ]) >>> except ValueError as ve: ... print(str(ve)) Current number of perturbations for state TFU is 3, not 2 If the specific perturbations were not known when creating the collector, the value of |BranchCol-perturbations| can also be changed, with similar error checking. .. code:: >>> collector.perturbations = ['boron conc', 'fuel temperature'] >>> collector.perturbations ['boron conc', 'fuel temperature'] >>> try: ... collector.perturbations = ['boron', 'fuel', 'ctrl'] # wrong >>> except ValueError as ve: ... print(str(ve)) Current number of perturbations is 2, not 3 Example nodal diffusion writer ------------------------------ As each nodal diffusion code has it’s own required data structure, creating a general writer is a difficult task. The intent with the |BranchCollector| is to provide a framework where the data is readily available, and such a writer can be created with ease. Here, an example writer is demonstrated, one that writes each cross section. The writer first writes a table of the perturbations at the top of the input file, showing the ordering and values of the perturbations. Options are also provided for controlling formatting. The full file is available for download: `nodal_writer.py `_ .. code:: >>> from nodal_writer import Writer >>> print(Writer.__doc__.strip()) Class for writing an example cross section file. Parameters ---------- collector: Collector Object that read the branching file and stored the cross sections along the perturbation vector xsPerLine: int Number of cross sections / group constants to write per line floatFmt: str Formattable string used when writing floating point values strFmt: str Formattable string used when writing the names of the perturbations xsRemap: None or dict Dictionary used to find a replacement name for cross sections when writing. Between each cross section block, the name of cross section and group will be written as ``# {name} group {g}``. When ``xsRemap`` is ``None``, the names are ``mixedCase`` as they appear in ``HomogUniv`` objects, e.g. ``'infTot'``, ``'diffCoeff'``, etc. If ``xsRemap`` is a dictionary, it can be used to write a different name. Passing ``{'infTot': 'Total cross section'}`` would write ``'Total cross seciton'`` instead of ``'infTot'``, but all other names would be unchanged. >>> writer = Writer(collector) >>> print(writer.write.__doc__.strip()) Write the contents of a single universe Parameters ---------- universe: int or key Key of universe that exists in ``self.collector``. Typically integer values of homogenized universes from coefficient file stream: None or str or writeable If ``None``, return a string containing what would have been written to file. If a string, then write to this file. Otherwise, ensure that the object has a ``write`` method and write to this object mode: {'a', 'w'} Write or append to file. Only needed if stream is a string >>> # write to a file "in memory" >>> out = writer.write(0) >>> print(out[:1000]) # Cross sections for universe 0 boron conc 1.00000000E+03 7.50000000E+02 0.00000000E+00 fuel temperature 1.20000000E+03 6.00000000E+02 9.00000000E+02 Burnup [MWd/kgU] 0.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+01 # infTot group 1 3.13696000E-01 3.11024000E-01 3.13348000E-01 3.13338000E-01 3.10842000E-01 3.12990000E-01 3.16730000E-01 3.13987000E-01 3.16273000E-01 3.13772000E-01 3.11335000E-01 3.13311000E-01 3.13437000E-01 3.10967000E-01 3.13160000E-01 3.16688000E-01 3.14245000E-01 3.16392000E-01 2.08020000E-01 2.05774000E-01 2.03646000E-01 2.07432000E-01 2.05326000E-01 2.03533000E-01 2.10873000E-01 2.08646000E-01 2.06532000E-01 # infTot group 2 5.44846000E-01 6.17734000E-01 6.14651000E-01 5.45150000E-01 6.18286000E-01 6.14391000E-01 5.48305000E-01 6.21804000E-01 6.18120000E-01 5.41505000E-01 6.09197000E-01 6.08837000E-01 5.42373000E-01 6.09192000E-01 6.08756000E-01 5.45294000E-01 6.12767000E-01 6.12985000E-01 2.28908000E-01 1.07070000E-01 0.00000000E+00 3.1