.. |DepletedMaterial| replace:: :class:`~serpentTools.objects.DepletedMaterial` .. |materials| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.DepletionReader.materials` .. |matData| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.objects.DepletedMaterial.data` .. |getValues| replace:: :meth:`~serpentTools.objects.DepletedMaterial.getValues` .. |DepletedMaterialPlot| replace:: :meth:`~serpentTools.objects.DepletedMaterial.plot` .. _depletion-reader-ex: Depletion Reader ================ .. note:: Data files, like the one used in this example, are not included with the python distribution. They can be downloaded from the GitHub repository, and accessed after setting the ``SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA`` environment variable .. code:: >>> import os >>> depFile = os.path.join( ... os.environ["SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA"], ... "demo_dep.m") Basic Operation --------------- SERPENT produces a `burned material file `_, containing the evolution of material properties through burnup for all burned materials present in the problem. The |DepletionReader| is capable of reading this file, and storing the data inside |DepletedMaterial| objects. Each such object has methods and attributes that should ease analysis. .. code:: >>> import serpentTools >>> dep = serpentTools.read(depFile) The materials read in from the file are stored in the |materials| dictionary, where the keys represent the name of specific materials, and the corresponding values are the depleted material. .. code:: >>> dep.materials {'fuel0': , 'bglass0': , 'total': } Metadata, such as the isotopic vector and depletion schedule are also present on the reader .. code:: >>> dep.names ['Xe135', 'I135', 'U234', 'U235', 'U236', 'U238', 'Pu238', 'Pu239', 'Pu240', 'Pu241', 'Pu242', 'Np237', 'Am241', 'Am243', 'Cm243', 'Cm244', 'Cm245', 'Cs133', 'Nd143', 'Sm147', 'Sm149', 'Sm150', 'Sm151', 'Sm152', 'Eu153', 'Gd155', 'Mo95', 'Tc99', 'Ru101', 'Rh103', 'Ag109', 'Cd113', 'lost', 'total'] >>> dep.burnup array([0. , 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1 , 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.2 , 0.22, 0.24, 0.26, 0.28, 0.3 , 0.32, 0.34, 0.36, 0.38, 0.4 , 0.42, 0.44, 0.46, 0.48, 0.5 , 0.52, 0.54, 0.56, 0.58, 0.6 , 0.62, 0.64, 0.66, 0.68, 0.7 , 0.72, 0.74, 0.76, 0.78, 0.8 , 0.82, 0.84, 0.86, 0.88, 0.9 , 0.92, 0.94, 0.96, 0.98, 1. , 1.02, 1.04, 1.06, 1.08, 1.1 , 1.12, 1.14, 1.16, 1.18, 1.2 , 1.22, 1.24, 1.26, 1.28, 1.3 , 1.32, 1.34, 1.36, 1.38, 1.4 , 1.42]) >>> dep.zais [541350, 531350, 922340, 922350, 922360, 922380, 942380, 942390, 942400, 942410, 942420, 932370, 952410, 952430, 962430, 962440, 962450, 551330, 601430, 621470, 621490, 621500, 621510, 621520, 631530, 641550, 420950, 430990, 441010, 451030, 471090, 481130, 666, 0] Depleted Material Objects ------------------------- As mentioned before, all the material data is stored inside these |DepletedMaterial| objects. These objects share access to the metadata of the reader as well. .. code:: >>> fuel = dep.materials['fuel0'] >>> fuel.burnup array([0. 0.00702676 0.0144405 0.0218803 0.0297245 0.0370823 0.0447201 0.0513465 0.0590267 0.0671439 0.073392 0.0802637 0.0887954 0.0974604 0.104807 0.111528 0.119688 0.128006 0.135704 0.143491 0.150545 0.157608 0.165391 0.172872 0.180039 0.188011 0.195215 0.202291 0.20963 0.216895 0.224651 0.232139 0.23904 0.246076 0.25422 0.262011 0.269681 0.276981 0.284588 0.291835 0.299661 0.30727 0.314781 0.322364 0.329404 0.336926 0.34438 0.352246 0.360913 0.367336 0.37415 0.381556 0.388951 0.396286 0.404159 0.412113 0.419194 0.426587 0.43425 0.442316 0.449562 0.456538 0.465128 0.472592 0.479882 0.487348 0.494634 0.502167 0.508326 0.515086 0.522826 0.530643]) >>> fuel.days is dep.days True Materials can also be obtained by indexing directly into the reader, with .. code:: >>> dep["fuel0"] is dep.materials["fuel0"] is dep.get("fuel0") True All of the variables present in the depletion file for this material are present, stored in the |matData| dictionary. A few properties commonly used are accessible as attributes as well. .. code:: >>> fuel.data.keys() dict_keys(['volume', 'burnup', 'adens', 'mdens', 'a', 'h', 'sf', 'gsrc', 'ingTox', 'inhTox']) >>> print(fuel.adens) [[0.00000e+00 2.43591e-09 4.03796e-09 ... 4.70133e-09 4.70023e-09 4.88855e-09] [0.00000e+00 6.06880e-09 8.11783e-09 ... 8.05991e-09 8.96359e-09 9.28554e-09] [4.48538e-06 4.48486e-06 4.48432e-06 ... 4.44726e-06 4.44668e-06 4.44611e-06] ... [0.00000e+00 3.03589e-11 7.38022e-11 ... 1.62829e-09 1.63566e-09 1.64477e-09] [0.00000e+00 1.15541e-14 2.38378e-14 ... 8.60736e-13 8.73669e-13 8.86782e-13] [6.88332e-02 6.88334e-02 6.88336e-02 ... 6.88455e-02 6.88457e-02 6.88459e-02]] >>> print(fuel.adens is fuel.data['adens']) True Similar to the original file, the rows of the matrix correspond to positions in the isotopic vector, and the columns correspond to positions in burnup/day vectors. .. code:: >>> fuel.mdens.shape # rows, columns (34, 72) >>> fuel.burnup.shape (72,) >>> len(fuel.names) 34 Data Retrieval -------------- At the heart of the |DepletedMaterial| is the |getValues| method. This method acts as an slicing mechanism that returns data for a select number of isotopes at select points in time. |getValues| requires two arguments for the units of time requested, e.g. ``days`` or ``burnup``, and the name of the data requested. This second value must be a key in the |matData| dictionary. Specific days or values of burnup can be passed with the ``timePoints`` keyword. This will instruct the slicing tool to retrieve data that corresponds to values of ``days`` or ``burnup`` in the ``timePoints`` list. By default the method returns data for every time point on the material unless ``timePoints`` is given. Similarly, one can pass a string or list of strings as the ``names`` or ``zai`` arguments and obtain data for those specific isotopes. Data for every isotope is given if ``names`` or ``zai`` are not given. .. code:: >>> dayPoints = [0, 5, 10, 30] >>> iso = ['Xe135', 'Sm149'] >>> zai = [541350, 621490] >>> isoVals = fuel.getValues('days', 'a', dayPoints, iso) >>> print(isoVals.shape) >>> zaiVals = fuel.getValues('days', 'a', dayPoints, zai=zai) print(isoVals - zaiVals) (2, 4) [[0.00000e+00 3.28067e+14 3.24606e+14 3.27144e+14] [0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00]] [[ 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0.]] The |DepletedMaterial| uses this slicing for the built-in |DepletedMaterialPlot| method, which takes similar slicing arguments to |getValues|. By default, the plot method will plot data for all isotopes present, leading to very busy plots. The plots can be cleaned up by passing isotope names or ``ZZAAAI`` identifiers to the ``names`` or ``zai`` arguments, respectively. .. code:: >>> fuel.plot('burnup', 'ingTox', names='Xe135'); .. image:: DepletionReader_files/DepletionReader_23_0.png .. code:: >>> fuel.plot('burnup', 'mdens', zai=[541350, 531350]); .. image:: DepletionReader_files/DepletionReader_24_0.png This type of plotting can also be applied to the |DepletedMaterial| level, with similar options for formatting and retrieving data. The materials to be plotted can be filtered using the ``materials`` argument. The ``labelFmt`` argument can be used to apply a consistent label to each unique plot. This argument supports `brace-delimited formatting `__, and will automatically replace strings like ``{mat}`` with the name of the material. The table below contains the special strings and their replacements +-------------+----------------------------------------+ | String | Replacement | +=============+========================================+ | ``{mat}`` | Name of the material | +-------------+----------------------------------------+ | ``{iso}`` | Name of the isotope, e.g. ``'U235'`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------+ | ``{zai}`` | ZZAAAI of the isotope, e.g. 922350 | +-------------+----------------------------------------+ .. code:: >>> dep.plot('burnup', 'adens', names=iso, ... materials=['fuel0', 'total'], ... labelFmt="{mat}: {iso} // {zai}", loglog=True); .. image:: DepletionReader_files/DepletionReader_26_0.png .. _depletion-settings: Settings -------- The |DepletionReader| also has a collection of settings to control what data is stored. If none of these settings are modified, the default is to store all the data from the output file. The settings that control the depletion reader are * :ref:`depletion-materials` * :ref:`depletion-materialVariables` * :ref:`depletion-metadataKeys` * :ref:`depletion-processTotal` Below is an example of configuring a |DepletionReader| that only stores the burnup days, and atomic density for all materials that begin with ``bglass`` followed by at least one integer. .. code:: >>> from serpentTools.settings import rc >>> rc['depletion.processTotal'] = False >>> rc['depletion.metadataKeys'] = ['BU'] >>> rc['depletion.materialVariables'] = ['ADENS'] >>> rc['depletion.materials'] = [r'bglass\d+'] >>> bgReader = serpentTools.read(depFile) >>> bgReader.materials.keys() dict_keys(['bglass0']) >>> bglass = bgReader.materials['bglass0'] >>> bglass.data.keys() dict_keys(['adens']) Integration with ``pandas`` --------------------------- If you have the :mod:`pandas` package installed, you can use the :meth:`~serpentTools.objects.DepletedMaterial.toDataFrame` method to create tabulated data. The method will retrieve data for all isotopes unless the ``names`` or ``zai`` arguments are provided. For compactness, only a few isotopes will be retrieved here. .. code:: >>> fuel.toDataFrame("adens", names=["U235", "Pu239", "Xe135"]).head() Isotopes U235 Pu239 Xe135 Time [d] 0.0 0.000558 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.5 0.000558 6.374580e-09 2.435910e-09 1.0 0.000558 2.590310e-08 4.037960e-09 1.5 0.000558 5.728820e-08 4.620920e-09 2.0 0.000557 9.927160e-08 4.789480e-09 Arguments can also be used to control the time values in the index and column structure:: >>> fuel.toDataFrame("adens", zai=[922350, 942390, 541350], time="burnup") Isotope ZAI 922350 942390 541350 Burnup [MWd/kgU] 0.0 0.000558 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.5 0.000558 6.374580e-09 2.435910e-09 1.0 0.000558 2.590310e-08 4.037960e-09 1.5 0.000558 5.728820e-08 4.620920e-09 2.0 0.000557 9.927160e-08 4.789480e-09 Conclusion ---------- The |DepletionReader| is capable of reading and storing all the data from the SERPENT burned materials file. Upon reading, the reader creates custom |DepletedMaterial| objects that are responsible for storing and retrieving the data. These objects also have a handy |DepletedMaterialPlot| method for quick analysis. Use of the :class:`~serpentTool.settings.rc` settings control object allows increased control over the data selected from the output file. References ---------- 1. J. Leppänen, M. Pusa, T. Viitanen, V. Valtavirta, and T. Kaltiaisenaho. "The Serpent Monte Carlo code: Status, development and applications in 2013." Ann. Nucl. Energy, `82 (2015) 142-150 `_