.. |nfy| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.MicroXSReader.nfy` .. |fluxRatio| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.MicroXSReader.fluxRatio` .. |fluxUnc| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.MicroXSReader.fluxUnc` .. |xsVal| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.MicroXSReader.xsVal` .. |xsUnc| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.MicroXSReader.xsVal` .. |getFY| replace:: :meth:`~serpentTools.MicroXSReader.getFY` .. |getXS| replace:: :meth:`~serpentTools.MicroXSReader.getXS` .. _ex-microXS: Micro cross section reader ========================== .. note:: Data files, like the one used in this example, are not included with the python distribution. They can be downloaded from the GitHub repository, and accessed after setting the ``SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA`` environment variable .. code:: >>> import os >>> mdxFile = os.path.join( ... os.environ["SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA"], ... "ref_mdx0.m") Basic Operation --------------- This notebook demonstrates the capabilities of the `serpentTools `__ in regards to reading group micro cross-section files. SERPENT [1] produces a `micro depletion file `__, containing independent and cumulative fission yields as well as group cross-sections for the isotopes and reactions defined by the user. The |MicroXSReader| is capable of reading this file, and storing the data directly on the reader. The |MicroXSReader| has two methods to retrieve the data and ease the analysis. Note: in order to obtain the micro depletion files, the user must set the ``mdep`` card in the input `file `__. .. code:: >>> import serpentTools >>> mdx = serpentTools.read(mdxFile) The fission yields read in from the file are stored in the |nfy| dictionary, where the keys represent a specific (parent, energy) pair and the corresponding values is a dictionary with fission products ids and corresponding fission yield values. .. code:: >>> # All the (parent, energy) pairs can be obtained by using '.keys()' >>> pairs = mdx.nfy.keys() >>> list(pairs)[0:5] # list only the first five pairs [(902270, 2.53e-08), (902280, 2.53e-08), (902280, 0.5), (902280, 14.0), (902290, 2.53e-08)] Each pair represents the isotope undergoing fission and the impending neutron energy in MeV. .. code:: >>> pair = list(pairs)[0] # obtain the first (isotope, energy) pair >>> print('Isotope= {: 1.0f}'.format(pair[0])) Isotope= 902270 >>> print('Energy= {} MeV'.format(pair[1])) Energy= 2.53e-08 MeV The results for each pair are dictionaries that contain three fields: 1. ``fissProd`` list of fission products ids 2. ``indYield`` corresponding list of independent fission yields 3. ``cumYield`` corresponding list of cumulative fission yields .. code:: >>> # Obtain the keys in the nfy dictionary >>> mdx.nfy[pair].keys() dict_keys(['fissProd', 'indYield', 'cumYield']) >>> # Print only the five first fission products >>> print(mdx.nfy[pair]['fissProd'][0:5]) [ 250660. 250670. 250680. 260660. 260670.] >>> # Print only the five first fission independent yields >>> print(mdx.nfy[pair]['indYield'][0:5]) [ 6.97001000e-13 1.35000000e-13 1.01000000e-14 2.57000000e-10 1.13000000e-10] >>> # Print only the five first fission cumulative yields >>> print(mdx.nfy[pair]['cumYield'][0:5]) [ 6.97001000e-13 1.35000000e-13 1.01000000e-14 2.58000000e-10 1.13000000e-10] Fluxes ratios and uncertainties are stored in the |fluxRatio| and |fluxUnc| dictionaries, where the keys represent a specific universe and the corresponding values are group fluxes values. .. code:: >>> # obtain the universes >>> print(mdx.fluxRatio.keys()) dict_keys(['0']) Cross sections and their uncertainties are stored in the |xsVal| and |xsUnc| dictionaries, where the keys represent a specific universe and the corresponding values are dictionaries. The keys within the nested dictionary describe the isotope, reaction and special flag:: >>> print(mdx.xsVal['0'].keys()) dict_keys([(10010, 102, 0), (982490, 18, 0), (982510, 102, 0), (982510, 16, 0), (982510, 17, 0), (982510, 18, 0), (40090, 107, 0)]) Each key has three entries (isotope, reaction, flag) 1. ``isotope`` ID of the isotope (ZZAAA0/1), int or float 2. ``reaction`` MT e.g., 102 representing (n,gamma) 3. ``flag`` special flag to describe isomeric state or fission yield distribution number For each such key (isotope, reaction, flag) the ``xsVal`` and ``xsVal`` store the group-wise flux values and uncertainties respectively. .. code:: >>> val = mdx.xsVal['0'] >>> unc = mdx.xsUnc['0'] >>> # Print flux values >>> print(val[(10010, 102, 0)]) [ 3.09753000e-05 3.33901000e-05 3.57054000e-05 3.70926000e-05 3.61049000e-05 3.39464000e-05 3.39767000e-05 3.98315000e-05 5.38962000e-05 7.96923000e-05 1.18509000e-04 1.73915000e-04 2.54571000e-04 3.38540000e-04 4.52415000e-04 5.98190000e-04 7.69483000e-04 1.04855000e-03 1.31149000e-03 1.67790000e-03 2.15195000e-03 2.70125000e-03 3.44635000e-03 5.04611000e-03] >>> # Print flux uncertainties >>> print(unc[(10010, 102, 0)]) [ 1.10000000e-04 2.00000000e-05 1.00000000e-05 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e-05 1.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 1.00000000e-05 1.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 3.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 3.00000000e-05 4.00000000e-05 5.00000000e-05 1.70000000e-04 6.90000000e-04] Data Retrieval -------------- The |MicroXSReader| object has two ``get`` methods: 1. |getFY| method obtains the independent and cumulative fission yields for a specific parent (ZZAAA0/1), daughter (ZZAAA0/1), neutron energy (MeV). If no parent or daaughter is found, the method raises an exception. The method also has a special flag that indicates whether the user wants to obtain the value corresponding to the nearest energy. 2. |getXS| method to obtain the group-wise cross-sections for a specific universe, isotope and reaction. .. code:: >>> indYield, cumYield = mdx.getFY(parent=922350, energy=2.53e-08, daughter=541350 ) >>> print('Independent yield = {}'.format(indYield)) Independent yield = 0.000785125 >>> print('Cumulative yield = {}'.format(cumYield)) Cumulative yield = 0.065385 By default, the method includes a flag that allows to obtain the values for the closest energy defined by the user. .. code:: >>> indYield, cumYield = mdx.getFY(parent=922350, energy=1e-06, daughter=541350 ) >>> print('Independent yield = {}'.format(indYield)) Independent yield = 0.000785125 >>> print('Cumulative yield = {}'.format(cumYield)) Cumulative yield = 0.065385 The user can set this boolean flag to False if only the values at existing energies are of interest. .. code:: >>> indYield, cumYield = mdx.getFY(parent=922350, energy=2.53e-08, daughter=541350, flagEnergy=False ) |getXS| method is used to obtain the group cross-sections for a specific universe, isotope and reaction. The method returns the values and uncertainties. .. code:: >>> # Obtain the group cross-sections >>> vals, unc = mdx.getXS(universe='0', isotope=10010, reaction=102) >>> # Print group flux values >>> print(vals) [ 3.09753000e-05 3.33901000e-05 3.57054000e-05 3.70926000e-05 3.61049000e-05 3.39464000e-05 3.39767000e-05 3.98315000e-05 5.38962000e-05 7.96923000e-05 1.18509000e-04 1.73915000e-04 2.54571000e-04 3.38540000e-04 4.52415000e-04 5.98190000e-04 7.69483000e-04 1.04855000e-03 1.31149000e-03 1.67790000e-03 2.15195000e-03 2.70125000e-03 3.44635000e-03 5.04611000e-03] >>> # Print group flux uncertainties values >>> print(unc) [ 1.10000000e-04 2.00000000e-05 1.00000000e-05 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e-05 1.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 1.00000000e-05 1.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 3.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 3.00000000e-05 4.00000000e-05 5.00000000e-05 1.70000000e-04 6.90000000e-04] The method includes a special flag ``isomeric``, which is set to zero by default. The special flag either describes the isomeric state or fission yield distribution number. .. code:: >>> # Example of how to use the isomeric flag >>> vals, unc = mdx.getXS(universe='0', isotope=10010, reaction=102, isomeric=0) If the universe exist, but the isotope or reaction do not exist, the method raises an error. Settings -------- The |MicroXSReader| also has a collection of |rc| to control what data is stored. If none of these settings are modified, the default is to store all the data from the output file. .. code:: >>> from serpentTools.settings import rc >>> rc['microxs.getFY'] = False # True/False only >>> rc['microxs.getXS'] = True # True/False only >>> rc['microxs.getFlx'] = True # True/False only - :ref:`microxs-getFY`: True or False, store fission yields - :ref:`microxs-getXS`: True or False, store group cross-sections and uncertainties - :ref:`microxs-getFlx`: True or False, store flux ratios and uncertainties .. code:: >>> mdx = serpentTools.read(mdxFile) >>> # fission yields are not stored on the reader >>> mdx.nfy.keys() dict_keys([]) Conclusion ---------- The |MicroXSReader| is capable of reading and storing all the data from the SERPENT micro depletion file. Fission yields, cross-sections and flux ratios are stored on the reader. The reader also includes two methods |getFY| and |getXS| to retrieve the data. Use of |rc| settings control object allows increased control over the data selected from the output file. References ---------- 1. J. Leppänen, M. Pusa, T. Viitanen, V. Valtavirta, and T. Kaltiaisenaho. "The Serpent Monte Carlo code: Status, development and applications in 2013." Ann. Nucl. Energy, `82 (2015) 142-150 `__