.. |xsections| replace:: :attr:`~serpentTools.XSPlotReader.xsections` .. |xsdata| replace:: :class:`~serpentTools.objects.XSData` .. _ex-xsplot: Cross Section Reader/Plotter ============================ .. note:: Data files, like the one used in this example, are not included with the python distribution. They can be downloaded from the GitHub repository, and accessed after setting the ``SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA`` environment variable .. code:: >>> import os >>> xfile = os.path.join( ... os.environ["SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA"], ... "plut_xs0.m") Basic Operation --------------- Firstly, to get started plotting some cross sections from Serpent, you generate a ``yourInputFileName_xs.m`` file using `set xsplot `__ as documented on the Serpent wiki. ``serpentTools`` can then read the output, figuring out its file type automatically as with other readers. Let’s plot some data used in the ``serpentTools`` regression suite. .. code:: >>> import serpentTools >>> xsreader = serpentTools.read(xfile) This file contains some cross sections from a Serpent case containing a chunk of plutonium metal reflected by beryllium. Let’s see what cross sections are available from the file: .. code:: >>> xsreader.xsections.keys() dict_keys(['i4009_03c', 'i7014_03c', 'i8016_03c', 'i94239_03c', 'mbe', 'mfissile']) Notice that the important part of the reader is the |xsections| attribute, which contains a dictionary of named |xsdata| objects. Entries starting with “i” are isotopes, while “m” preceded names are materials. Notably, materials not appearing in the neutronics calculation, e.g., external tanks in Serpent continuous reprocessing calculations, are not printed in the ``yourInputFileName_xs.m`` file. These |xsdata| instances can be obtained by indexing into the |xsections| dictionary or the reader .. code:: >>> xsreader.xsections["i4009_03c"] is xsreader["i4009_03c"] True The final bit of useful information stored on the reader are the energy groups and majorant cross sections. The energy groups are shared across all |xsdata| objects stored on the reader .. code:: >>> xsreader.energies array([1.00000e-08, 1.03891e-07, 1.07934e-06, 1.12135e-05, 1.16498e-04, 1.21032e-03, 1.25742e-02, 1.30635e-01, 1.35719e+00, 1.41000e+01]) >>> xsreader.majorant array([78.4253 , 36.1666 , 2.54417 , 13.0654 , 4.27811 , 0.822536, 0.781066, 0.598564, 0.34175 , 0.293887]) Data Access ----------- Most of the useful information is stored on the |xsdata| instances. These are primarily cross sections provided by Serpent and some descriptive data. The ``MT`` and ``MTdescrip`` attributes describe the ordering of the reactions and their descriptions .. code:: >>> o16 = xsreader["i8016_03c"] # Make a quick dictionary to show descriptions >>> dict(zip(o16.MT, o16.MTdescrip)) {1: 'Total', 101: 'Sum of absorption', 2: 'elastic scattering', ... 105: '(n,t)', 23: '(n,n3alpha)', 16: '(n,2n)'} Cross section data are stored in the ``xsdata`` array, which has shape ``(N_E, N_MT)`` .. code:: >>> o16.xsdata.shape == (len(o16.energies), len(o16.MT)) True The data can be obtained in a few different ways. First, you can index into the array directly .. code:: >>> o16.xsdata[:, 0] array([4.16597, 3.88237, 3.85502, 3.8523 , 3.8518 , 3.84938, 3.82434, 3.58676, 3.19656, 1.593 ]) This does require you to know the position of your reaction. Alternatively, you can index into the |xsdata| object using the reaction MT as a key .. code:: >>> o16[1] array([4.16597, 3.88237, 3.85502, 3.8523 , 3.8518 , 3.84938, 3.82434, 3.58676, 3.19656, 1.593 ]) The ``tabulate`` method can be used to create a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`` for nice tabular representation. .. code:: >>> xsreader.xsections['mfissile'].tabulate() .. raw:: html
Energy (MeV) MT -1 cm$^{-1}$ MT -3 cm$^{-1}$ MT -2 cm$^{-1}$ MT -6 cm$^{-1}$ MT -7 cm$^{-1}$ MT -16 cm$^{-1}$
0 1.000000e-08 78.425300 0.404950 19.669800 58.350500 167.674000 0.000000
1 1.038910e-07 36.166600 0.369643 12.045000 23.752000 68.055800 0.000000
2 1.079340e-06 2.544170 0.506089 0.410559 1.627520 4.672940 0.000000
3 1.121350e-05 13.065400 0.715384 2.015980 10.334000 29.525000 0.000000
4 1.164980e-04 4.278110 0.721668 0.434122 3.122320 9.000070 0.000000
5 1.210320e-03 0.822536 0.537059 0.003514 0.281963 0.814254 0.000000
6 1.257420e-02 0.781066 0.623379 0.047729 0.093854 0.271066 0.000000
7 1.306350e-01 0.583509 0.458020 0.010805 0.075165 0.217468 0.000000
8 1.357190e+00 0.341750 0.163555 0.000772 0.095130 0.291685 0.000000
9 1.410000e+01 0.293887 0.136424 0.000114 0.120609 0.596505 0.012848
Lastly, the descriptions for each reaction can be found in ``MTdescrip`` or using ``describe`` .. code:: >>> o16.MTdescrip[0] 'Total' >>> o16.describe(1) 'Total' Plotting -------- Plotting reactions is provided through the :meth:`~serpentTools.objects.XSData.plot` method. With no MTs provided, all reactions are plotted and labeled .. code:: >>> be9 = xsreader['i4009_03c'] >>> be9.plot(legend='right'); .. image:: images/XSPlot_files/XSPlot_8_0.png This is nice to have an automatically generated legend, but gets somewhat busy quickly. So, it’s easy to check which MT numbers are available, and plot only a few: .. code:: >>> be9.showMT() MT numbers available for i4009_03c: ----------------------------------- 1 Total 101 Sum of absorption 2 elastic scattering 102 (n,gamma) 107 (n,alpha) 16 (n,2n) 105 (n,t) 103 (n,p) 104 (n,d) >>> be9.plot(mts=[2, 16], title='Less busy!'); .. image:: images/XSPlot_files/XSPlot_11_0.png Of course, the same process can be applied to materials, but Serpent has some special unique negative MT numbers. The code will give you their meaning without requiring your reference back to the wiki. .. code:: >>> xsreader['mfissile'].showMT() MT numbers available for mfissile: ---------------------------------- -1 Macro total -3 Macro total elastic scatter -2 Macro total capture -6 Macro total fission -7 Macro total fission neutron production -16 Macro total scattering neutron production >>> xsreader['mfissile'].plot(mts=[-3, -6, -16], loglog=True) .. image:: images/XSPlot_files/XSPlot_15_1.png Labels can be configured through the ``labels`` argument .. code:: >>> xsreader['mfissile'].plot( ... mts=[-3, -6], loglog=True, ... labels=["Total elastic scatter", "Total fission"]) .. image:: images/XSPlot_files/XSPlot_22_0.png Conclusions ----------- ``serpentTools`` can plot your Serpent XS data in a friendly way. We’re always looking to improve the feel of the code though, so let us know if there are changes you would like. Keep in mind that setting an energy grid with closer to 10000 points makes far prettier XS plots however. There were none in this example to not clog up the repository.