Branching Reader


Data files, like the one used in this example, are not included with the python distribution. They can be downloaded from the GitHub repository, and accessed after setting the SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA environment variable

>>> import os
>>> branchFile = os.path.join(
...     os.environ["SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA"],
...     "demo.coe")

This notebook demonstrates the capability of the serpentTools package to read branching coefficient files. The format of these files is structured to iterate over:

  1. Branch states, e.g. burnup, material properties

  2. Homogenized universes

  3. Group constant data

The output files are described in more detail on the SERPENT Wiki

Basic Operation


Without modifying the settings, the BranchingReader assumes that all group constant data is presented without the associated uncertainties. See User Control for examples on the various ways to control operation

The branches are stored in custom dictionary-like BranchContainer objects in the branches dictionary

>>> import serpentTools
>>> r0 =
>>> r0.branches.keys()
    ('nom', 'nom'),
    ('B750', 'nom'),
    ('B1000', 'nom'),
    ('nom', 'FT1200'),
    ('B750', 'FT1200'),
    ('B1000', 'FT1200'),
    ('nom', 'FT600'),
    ('B750', 'FT600'),
    ('B1000', 'FT600')

Here, the keys are tuples of strings indicating what perturbations/branch states were applied for each SERPENT solution. Examining a particular case

>>> b0 = r0.branches['B1000', 'FT600']
>>> print(b0)
<BranchContainer for B1000, FT600 from demo.coe>

SERPENT allows the user to define variables for each branch through var V1_name V1_value cards. These are stored in the stateData attribute

>>> b0.stateData
{'BOR': '1000',
 'DATE': '17/12/19',
 'TFU': '600',
 'TIME': '09:48:54',
 'VERSION': '2.1.29'}

The keys 'DATE', 'TIME', and 'VERSION' are included by default in the output, while the 'BOR' and 'TFU' have been defined for this branch.

Group Constant Data


Group constants are converted from SERPENT_STYLE to mixedCase to fit the overall style of the project.

The BranchContainer stores group constant data in HomogUniv objects as a dictionary.

>>> for key in b0:
...     print(key)
UnivTuple(universe='0', burnup=0.0, step=0, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='10', burnup=0.0, step=0, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='20', burnup=0.0, step=0, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='30', burnup=0.0, step=0, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='40', burnup=0.0, step=0, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='0', burnup=1.0, step=1, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='10', burnup=1.0, step=1, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='20', burnup=1.0, step=1, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='30', burnup=1.0, step=1, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='40', burnup=1.0, step=1, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='0', burnup=10.0, step=2, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='10', burnup=10.0, step=2, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='20', burnup=10.0, step=2, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='30', burnup=10.0, step=2, days=None)
UnivTuple(universe='40', burnup=10.0, step=2, days=None)

The keys here are UnivTuple instances indicating the universe ID, and point in the burnup schedule. These universes can be obtained by indexing this dictionary, or by using the getUniv() method

>>> univ0 = b0["0", 1, 1, None]
>>> print(univ0)
<HomogUniv 0: burnup: 1.000 MWd/kgu, step: 1>
>>>, univ0.bu, univ0.step,
('0', 1.0, 1, None)
>>> univ1 = b0.getUniv('0', burnup=1)
>>> univ2 = b0.getUniv('0', index=1)
>>> univ0 is univ1 is univ2

Group constant data is spread out across the following sub-dictionaries:

  1. infExp: Expected values for infinite medium group constants

  2. infUnc: Relative uncertainties for infinite medium group constants

  3. b1Exp: Expected values for leakage-corrected group constants

  4. b1Unc: Relative uncertainties for leakage-corrected group constants

  5. gc: Group constant data that does not match the INF nor B1 scheme

  6. gcUnc: Relative uncertainties for data in gc

For this problem, only expected values for infinite and critical spectrum (b1) group constants are returned, so only the infExp and b1Exp dictionaries contain data

>>> univ0.infExp
{'infDiffcoef': array([ 1.83961 ,  0.682022]),
 'infFiss': array([ 0.00271604,  0.059773  ]),
 'infS0': array([ 0.298689  ,  0.00197521,  0.00284247,  0.470054  ]),
 'infS1': array([ 0.0847372 ,  0.00047366,  0.00062865,  0.106232  ]),
 'infTot': array([ 0.310842,  0.618286])}
>>> univ0.infUnc
>>> univ0.b1Exp
{'b1Diffcoef': array([ 1.79892 ,  0.765665]),
 'b1Fiss': array([ 0.00278366,  0.0597712 ]),
 'b1S0': array([ 0.301766  ,  0.0021261 ,  0.00283866,  0.470114  ]),
 'b1S1': array([ 0.0856397 ,  0.00051071,  0.00062781,  0.106232  ]),
 'b1Tot': array([ 0.314521,  0.618361])}
>>> univ0.gc
>>> univ0.gcUnc

Group constants and their associated uncertainties can be obtained using the get() method.

>>> univ0.get('infFiss')
array([ 0.00271604,  0.059773  ])

>>> try:
...     univ0.get('infS0', uncertainty=True)
>>> except KeyError as ke:  # no uncertainties here
...     print(str(ke))
'Variable infS0 absent from uncertainty dictionary'

Plotting Universe Data

HomogUniv objects are capable of plotting homogenized data using the plot() method. This method is tuned to plot group constants, such as cross sections, for a known group structure. This is reflected in the default axis scaling, but can be adjusted on a per case basis. If the group structure is not known, then the data is plotted simply against bin-index.

>>> univ0.plot('infFiss');
>>> univ0.plot(['infFiss', 'b1Tot'], loglog=False);

The ResultsReader example has a more thorough example of this plot() method, including formatting the line labels - Plotting universes.


The branching reader has a iterBranches() method that works to yield branch names and their associated BranchContainer objects. This can be used to efficiently iterate over all the branches presented in the file.

>>> for names, branch in r0.iterBranches():
...     print(names, branch)
('nom', 'FT1200') <BranchContainer for nom, FT1200 from demo.coe>
('B1000', 'FT1200') <BranchContainer for B1000, FT1200 from demo.coe>
('B750', 'FT600') <BranchContainer for B750, FT600 from demo.coe>
('nom', 'nom') <BranchContainer for nom, nom from demo.coe>
('B750', 'FT1200') <BranchContainer for B750, FT1200 from demo.coe>
('B1000', 'FT600') <BranchContainer for B1000, FT600 from demo.coe>
('nom', 'FT600') <BranchContainer for nom, FT600 from demo.coe>
('B1000', 'nom') <BranchContainer for B1000, nom from demo.coe>
('B750', 'nom') <BranchContainer for B750, nom from demo.coe>

User Control

The SERPENT set coefpara card already restricts the data present in the coefficient file to user control, and the BranchingReader includes similar control.

In our example above, the BOR and TFU variables represented boron concentration and fuel temperature, and can easily be cast into numeric values using the branching.intVariables and branching.floatVariables settings. From the previous example, we see that the default action is to store all state data variables as strings.

>>> assert isinstance(b0.stateData['BOR'], str)

As demonstrated in the Group Constant Variables example, use of xs.variableExtras and xs.variableGroups controls what data is stored on the HomogUniv objects. By default, all variables present in the coefficient file are stored.

>>> from serpentTools.settings import rc
>>> rc['branching.floatVariables'] = ['BOR']
>>> rc['branching.intVariables'] = ['TFU']
>>> rc['xs.getB1XS'] = False
>>> rc['xs.variableExtras'] = ['INF_TOT', 'INF_SCATT0']
>>> r1 = serpentTools.readDataFile(branchFile)
>>> b1 = r1.branches['B1000', 'FT600']
>>> b1.stateData
{'BOR': 1000.0,
 'DATE': '17/12/19',
 'TFU': 600,
 'TIME': '09:48:54',
 'VERSION': '2.1.29'}
>>> assert isinstance(b1.stateData['BOR'], float)
>>> assert isinstance(b1.stateData['TFU'], int)

Inspecting the data stored on the homogenized universes reveals only the variables explicitly requested are present

>>> univ4 = b1.getUniv("0", 0)
>>> univ4.infExp
{'infTot': array([ 0.313338,  0.54515 ])}
>>> univ4.b1Exp


The BranchingReader is capable of reading coefficient files created by the SERPENT automated branching process. The data is stored according to the branch parameters, universe information, and burnup. This reader also supports user control of the processing by selecting what state parameters should be converted from strings to numeric types, and further down-selection of data.