.. _code-style: ============ Coding Style ============ For the most part, this project follows the :pep:`8` standard with a few differences. Some points are included here * 79 characters per line * Four spaces per indentation level * Avoiding extraneous whitespace:: Yes: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2}) No: spam( ham[ 1 ], { eggs: 2 } ) Some of the specific style points for this project are included below * ``mixedCase`` for variables, methods, and functions * ``CamelCase`` for classes:: class DemoClass(object): def doSomething(self, arg0, longerArgumentName): pass * Directly call the ``__init__`` method from a parent class, e.g.:: class MyQueue(list): def __init__(self, items): list.__init__(self) self.extend(items) * Arrange imports in the following order: #. imports from the standard library: os, sys, etc. #. imports from third party code: numpy, matplotlib, etc. #. imports from the serpentTools package * Longer import paths are preferred to shorter:: # yes from really.long.path.to.a import function function() # not preferred import really really.long.path.to.a.function()